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Let's Explore the Possibilities of Achieving Your Goals 

EQM Ventures is in the Dream Enablement Business

Developing  Impactful Vision

Building Sustainable Growth

Forging  Purposeful Capital

Sealing Groundbreaking Success

Independent and Fair Assessment

We value our senior executive partners' expertise, dedication, and commitment to client focus. Our collective specializes in providing unbiased, comprehensive evaluations of your business challenges and opportunities.

This approach also allows our investor partners to have confidence in recommendation driven by an independent underwriting as the foundation of our investment research and recommendations.

By leveraging our diverse experiences and case studies, we offer practical, actionable insights for our investor network group that form the foundation for strategic decision-making.

Elegant and Effective Solutions

We turn our independent assessments into tangible, effective problem-solving proposals. Our senior executive partners are committed to delivering solutions that drive practical, cost effective results for our clients.

Since we approach each situation with an independent and first-principal basis, our proposal typically is innovative in its approach, and yet often times simple and elegant in its execution.

By leveraging our strengths and offering adaptability, EQM is fostering collaboration across multiple different practices and offering solutions that work.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do you invest in businesses?

    Yes, in most cases, our clients will receive in-kind and potentially cash investment as part of our involvment.  It depends on the quality of the business, the motivation of the founders and if we believe that our value-add can be longer term or not. 

  • What is the consultation for?

    We want you to be completely satisfied with us getting involved. It means that there is an alignment of philosophy and how we approach a mandate that we want our clients to understand and agree with.  The assessment test is to evaluate if we can add value to your needs and if you are the right fit for us in terms of ability to become the change agent for the organization. 

  • Do you give refund for your services?

    No.  As we describe, the fee for service offerings provides real and tangible impact to your company, and we shall be compensated for our time and sources as your advisor.  

  • Can I choose which advisor to work with?

    It depends.  Our program is a holistic evalution of your business and its current needs, and based on that - we will prescribe the best solutions to activate growth and source capital.